Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Newspaper Article 4

The Final installment of the newspaper articles. Enjoy...or's up to you.

Week 4: Thankful for What Is to Come…

            By now Thanksgiving is a distant memory for many of us. We are busy putting up the Christmas tree and hanging lights on our houses. Christmas may be the culmination of the “holiday season” but it starts with Thanksgiving. Without true gratitude, how can we ever come before a loving, gracious, and holy God to worship Him? Gratitude for creating us, for loving us despite our sin, and most importantly, for sending His son to die for the forgiveness of our sins. Our holiday season begins with thanks as we look forward to celebrating the coming of the greatest gift of all time, Jesus.

            What or who will you worship this holiday season? We worship those things which we devote our time, money, and talents. What are you focused on? The amazing meals, the beautiful decorations, the family and friends, the gifts, the extra hours you need to work to buy the gifts, etc...? Or are you truly ready to remember the one who came as a baby, lived on this earth in a simple human body, and died for your transgressions so that you wouldn’t have to?

            So often the holiday season is all about turkey, friends, and family at Thanksgiving, and all about Santa, decorations, and gifts at Christmas. If you would like to make this holiday season different, take time each day to remember who it is that has given you everything that you have. Then take time to thank God for sending His son. Many of us know how many shopping days we have left before Christmas, but when was the last time you had a good long talk with God? Worship during the holidays is no different than any other time of the year. In fact it should be easier since we are reminded to be thankful and we celebrate Jesus’ birth.

            My prayer for each of you today is that you will take a deep breath, slow down for a few moments, and remember who is in control. Thank Him for who He is, and for what He has done. If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I would love to introduce you to Him. Give me a call.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.   James 1:17

Newspaper Article 3

It has taken me a few weeks to get this up, but here is my third article I wrote for the newspaper. It got a bit long...oops...

Week Three: Who Are You Living For?

            In I Samuel 6, we see the account of King David returning the Ark of the Covenant to Israel. Though his first attempt ended in failure (due to a lack of regard for the instructions God had given on how to move the Ark), eventually we see David succeed in his task. I love the story of David’s second attempt. This time he follows the correct procedure for moving the Ark. With everything in place, David and the rest of the moving party start down the road. After six paces David calls a halt and orders a bull and a fatted calf to be sacrificed to God. The group continues in this way the entire journey, stopping every six paces to offer sacrifices to God. Not only this, but as they near the city, David is unable to restrain himself. He sheds his robe and begins to dance in worship before God. David’s wife witnesses his public display and despises him in her heart. When he returns to his rooms later that day, she confronts him about what she considers an embarrassing way for the King to behave in front of the common folk. Look at his response to her in verses 21-22:

So David said to Michal, “It was before the LORD, who chose me above your father and above all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the LORD, over Israel; therefore I will celebrate before the LORD. 22 I will be more lightly esteemed than this and will be humble in my own eyes…
        David’s response to her accusations of impropriety is that he was acting before God and God alone. Not only that, but he was willing to humble himself even more if needed. I have shared this glimpse of David’s live with you for two reasons. First, you might have taken me up on my challenge from last week to speak up about your love for God in front of your family or friends. If you were met with less than open hearts and minds, you might feel something like David did when Michal reprimanded him. I want to encourage you to remember who you live for. Like David, we live to serve the Lord God in heaven. Even if we feel like we’ve accomplished nothing when we shared our love for God with others, we can remember that God is pleased with us every time we share Him.

            The second reason I want to share this story is to encourage you. Maybe you read my last article and wanted to stand up for your faith but just couldn’t do it – you couldn’t put yourself out there like that. Guess what? You can try again. The first time David went to move the Ark, he failed.  I’m sure he walked away feeling down and discouraged. However, he did not stop thinking about how to get the Ark back. When he was reminded about the Ark, he got up and decided to try again. This time he came with a plan. Maybe you felt inadequate to share your faith with your family yesterday, but don’t let that stop you from planning another opportunity to do so (Christmas is coming you know).  Even David (the man after God’s own heart) felt inadequate and failed occasionally, but he didn’t give up. Give thanks that God allows second chances. Enjoy your leftovers and be encouraged that you can still try again tomorrow if you didn’t make it today.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Review for Seraph Seal

   Interesting book to say the least. An end times novel that seems similar to the Davinci Code in style. Lots of clues to follow to an end destination. Lots of characters and stories and speculation.Enough espionage and natural disasters for anyone.
   In general this was nothing more than interesting. It has too many characters and story-lines to follow. I never truly felt engaged with any of the characters because the book jumped back and forth between the stories so often, and there were so many stories to follow. While I like a good imaginative tale, this one felt like it wanted me to think it was real, or could be real. However, much of it was simply too far-fetched for my tastes. If you like intrigue novels, end times imaginings, or davnici code style stories then you might truly enjoy this book. However, it wasn't my cup of tea. I did not find it inspiring, more just interesting. It has taken me many months to finish reading it.

This review is for a book I was given by Thomas Nelson for the purpose of review.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Newspaper Article 2

The second of four articles being written for the local paper.

Week 2: Thanksgiving and a Tradition of Faith

   I know I said last week that Thanksgiving had to be about more than just Family and Turkey. However, Thanksgiving does tend to center around the family. So how can the family aspect of Thanksgiving lead us to worship? (Praying that your crazy uncle Herbert won’t be able to come to dinner this year doesn’t count.)
   What kind of traditions do you have at your house on Thanksgiving? At mine, we have several…my brother makes the pumpkin pie, I make the chocolate layered dessert, and my sister usually makes a chocolate meringue pie. Don’t ask me how these assignments were made, but they were and now when we all get together, that is the plan. One other tradition we have is that when we gather around the table to eat, we start the meal with a prayer and then go around the table and each person shares something that they are thankful for. I’m sure many of you have a similar tradition.
   My family has lots of traditions during the holidays, but there’s something that I appreciate more than our holiday traditions. My family has passed a tradition of faith in Jesus Christ down to me. My family lived these verses out in our home.  

Deuteronomy 6:4-9
4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. 5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

   Like any other tradition, we can choose to not follow our parents lead when it comes to faith in God. I love and appreciate my parents for teaching me the ways of God and helping myself and my siblings come to a point where we chose to follow Christ. Because of the life of faith that they passed down to us, I know that the whole of my family will be in heaven when we die.
   What about you? Was your house like this growing up? Did your parents impress upon you the commandments of God? Did they lead you to love God? If so maybe the simplest act of worship you can offer this year is to thank God first for saving you, second for placing you in a family that loves Him, and third thank your family for being obedient to God’s word.
   Are you growing a house like this for yourself? If not, why not begin? This holiday season, if you love the Lord God, why not share that with your family? We have a day set aside within our year to spend with family and love each other. Why not point our families towards the One who loves unconditionally and who sent His Son to die for each of us? Why not start a tradition of faith for your family? You don’t have to be the oldest in the house to begin a tradition; you simply have to be willing to share the love of Christ with those whom you love. Imagine the blessings you could have to celebrate and be thankful for next year if you spent this year sharing with those closest to you about the One who will “never leave you, nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Newspaper Article

Sorry for the long absence. So...recently I was asked to write a series of articles for our local newspaper. The basic theme is Worship in relation to Thanksgiving. So I thought I'd post them here since I don't think many who might read this get the Liberal paper.

Hello. My name is Jeremy Harris, and I am relatively new here in Liberal. I am the Worship and Community Pastor at First Southern Baptist Church, and have been here for almost 7 months. I’m married and have two children (ages 3 and 1) who keep me on my toes.
When my Pastor asked me if I would be interested in writing a series of articles for the newspaper I said yes immediately. Not because I think I am an amazing writer (I’m not), but because I want to take any opportunity to share with others the love of Jesus, and what He means to me. So starting today I will be writing a four part series on “Thanksgiving and Worship.”

Week 1: More than Family and Turkey
            Why do we have a national holiday set aside for thankfulness? Why do we close our banks, businesses, and government offices for the day (or a couple of days?) Is it truly for the purpose of being thankful? Obviously we are glad for the paid time off and the chance to see family, but is there anything more to the day?

 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
   his love endures forever. 1 Chron. 16:34

He is good. He is right in all He does. We can trust that. His love endures forever. This love that caused God to send His Son to die is directed towards you and me. We have been offered a way to freedom rather than condemnation. Should this not cause us to thank Him each and every day?

 I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart;
   I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. Psalm 9:1

            Whether we remember God’s deeds as recorded in the Bible, or simply remember the way He has acted for our own good in our lives, it should lead us to give thanks.

Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters.  Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:16-17

            Do you have anything good in your life? Do you have a place to live, food to eat, family around you? Do you have a job, a car, some money in the bank? Did you wake up this morning? Is the sun still giving light and warmth to the world? How could we not be thankful?
            This Thanksgiving, let us not forget that God had provided us with all we need and more. He has blessed us in so many ways. Not only that, but He has blessed my life in more ways than I have room to enumerate within this article. When I choose to thank Him for all he has blessed me with, I worship Him. It might sound simply, but look in the Psalms and see how many times Israel’s worship leaders used the words “Give thanks.” I pray that as we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday that each of us will examine our lives and look for the blessings we have been given. Then let’s worship together by thanking the Father of heavenly lights who has given us every good and perfect gift. God Bless.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Another look at a Worship Artist

I told you I'd be posting more of these. This one is a bit different. The artist I want to highlight today is named Lecrae. He is a christian rapper. I listen to so many of his songs and I can't help but believe that he is being used of God to lead others to worship. I know most that read this are not big rap fans, so here is something that should be enjoyable for all.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Great Day!

Have you ever noticed that some days are just good? Today was one of those days.
   I got to do lots of cooking today (which doesn't sound like fun to some people, but I enjoy it.) Tried a new recipe for biscuits this morning that did not turn out well. The sausage eggs made up for them though. Homemade pizza for lunch that was excellent. Now if only I knew how to "make" pepperoni it could be completely homemade. Crust and sauce both turned out nicely. Someone should tell pizza hut that plain jane breakfast sausage is a way better pizza topping than Italian sausage. Thanks for some great recipes.
   After lunch I got to take a nice long nap! I don't remember the last time I wanted to nap so badly. After my nap Addie (who skipped her nap) and I made chocolate chip cookies from scratch to put in welcome boxes for the students living in the dorms at SCCC here in town. Tried a new recipe that was quite tasty. Still not quite what I am looking for in the perfect chocolate chip cookie, but good none-the-less. Anyone have a good recipe for cookies that aren't so thin once they bake? Not fluffy like cake but thicker. I also whipped up a batch of homemade strawberry ice cream that has convinced my wife that I should stop making chocolate ice cream. Finally, we finished the food extravaganza with a chicken stir-fry. Zucchini, carrots, sweet onions, chicken, and kikkoman's stir-fry sauce served with white rice. Awesome!
   So there you have it, what does it take for Jeremy to have a great day? Let him take a nap and cook for you. A little bit of computer time is fun as well. What makes a day great for you? Have you stopped to thank God for the great days? How about the mediocre ones? I working on doing that more in my life. Thank You Lord for giving us today. Stay tuned for more worship posts, and thankful thoughts. God bless and good night.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Worship Artists again...

So I am continuing my previous post regarding Worship Artists/Songs. This is in response to the following conversation...

Pastor Jack: So I was disappointed in your blog post Jeremy.
Me: Really why?
Pastor Jack: You didn't get outside the box at all. I was looking forward to hearing about some new obscure band or song I've never heard of.
Me: I guess that's true...that's simply the music I've been listening to lately...

So I started thinking about what worship music I enjoyed that was a bit more outside the box (I still maintain that Charlie Hall is a bit outside of the everyday box of many people.) What I realized is that there are several options I could share in this thought stream. So as a way of getting outside the box, I will be sharing some video links to songs that I love which are worshipful and either sound a bit different from what you expect, or are from artists that are less well known. I will probably only share one per post. I hope you enjoy.

The first offering is from EverybodyDuck. These guys had some radio hits in the 90's and released a CD in 2009. However, My favorite offering from them is a little known CD recorded between their early success and their most recent release. The production value is very low when compared to guys like Chris Tomlin and David Crowder Band, but I highly recommend the CD "Seized by the Power of a Great Affection." It has some awesome worship songs.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Worship Artists

So I promised (back when I wrote about some rap artists I like) I would write a post about my favorite worship artists. So, here it is...what this church music guy listen to when he listens to worship music...

David Crowder Band...these guys have such a diverse range of musical styles and still so many of their songs have such a spirit of worship. My favorite album that they have put out is "A Collision." Many of the songs from this album have been adopted by the christian church. Some of David's stuff is a bit hard to pull off in your average church (with his synthesizers, violins, etc...), but lyrically they are worth the effort to bring to local congregations. I'm sorry to hear that they are calling it quits after their next album.

Matt Redman...British singer/songwriter who has brought us such songs as "The Heart of Worship" and "Blessed Be Your Name." Totally different style here than Crowder, but very passionate songs of praise.  I love his album "Facedown." Almost every track on that CD has found it's way into my head at one time or another, and I have used many of them when leading worship. Redman's newest CD "10,000 Reasons" has some great songs that I look forward to using in the future.

Charlie Hall...I absolutely love his album "Flying Into Daybreak." Possibly my favorite worship album ever. This album has some of my favorite songs "All We Need", "Marvelous Light", "Micah 6:8", "Song of the Redeemed", etc. I'm not always a huge fan of his recordings, but I love his lyrics and having seen him live, his presence on stage is very worshipful. Plus he has a longer beard than I do. (maybe I'll catch up someday...)

Shane and Shane...I love these guys. From their acoustic guitar playing, to their great harmonies, to the great relaxed atmosphere of their music. Their music doesn't feel forced, they aren't trying fit a certain mold, their aren't trying to impress me with their talent, it's just a couple of guys and their friends playing and singing for their Lord.

Chris Tomlin...What can I say, this guy writes music that the church can sing and wants to sing. He writes very singable and connectable songs.

So...these are some of my favorites. Check them out. On a side note, as an addition to my rap post, I have recently been introduced to a CD by a group called the 116 Clique. The name of the CD is "13 Letters." These rap artists took the 13 books of the Bible that Paul wrote as letters to the churches, studied them, and wrote songs breaking down the message of each. They are great songs that expound Biblical truth. If you like rap music, you need to check it out.

Monday, July 4, 2011

An Evenings Musings

   Do you ever read another person's blog and then feel like you ought write one of your own? I often find myself in this situation after reading a blog by Ann Voscamp. It's not because she is such a great writer (though she is), it's not the stories she uses to make a point (though her anecdotes are typically spot on), no it's because she writes about living Christianity the way I wish I lived Christianity. She asks the hard questions that we are so often afraid to voice out loud, and voices her own struggles with putting God's word into practice. Because of this. I often come away from reading her words feeling as though I need to simply get with the program and stop wishfully thinking about being a better Christian, and start doing it. With that thought check out a blog called "A Holy Experience" written by Ann Voscamp. I think most people who read my blog would appreciate many of the things she has to say.
   How often do you waste time? Goofing off, playing facebook games, reading mindless dribble, playing video games, watching tv, watching movies, etc... I am an expert at wasting time. In fact I usually stay up late so that I can waste more time after my children are asleep. I also waste time while they are awake. Do you ever find yourself telling your child (or a friend/neighbor/family member) that you are busy and please give me a few minutes only to realize that you are "busy" checking your e-mail for the 8th time today. Have you ever realized that one of the reasons you are bored is because you keep checking your e-mail even though you aren't expecting anything? Why do we put to the side those things that are most important for our own selfish indulgences? Why don't we play with our children more, visit with our neighbors more, work less, spend less, and read our Bibles and pray more? I don't know, but I do know that I am guilty of this. I also know that I want to change. I would rather come to the end of my life with little in my bank account and having given up some of my "me time" and knowing that I have many strong relationships with family, friends, and God. What do you think? Are you a time waster? Do you see areas of your life that you'd like to improve but just feel like you don't have the time to improve them? Maybe there's a simply answer to both of your problems...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

There's a First Time for Everything

   It's been awhile since I posted on here. I know that I don't have an avid fan base, but for those who do read, here's something new.
   Today I officiated my first wedding! It was a small ceremony and I did not talk for very long. Our pastor was going to be in Haiti with our mission team when the couple wanted to get married, so as Associate Pastor, I got to step in. It was honestly a lot of fun. Everyone said it was a nice ceremony so I am going to take them at their word and not try to over-analyze what I did or didn't say.
   I am also getting to preach my first sermon, for this church, tomorrow morning. Like I said our pastor was going to be out of town so I volunteered to fill the pulpit. Unfortunately for pastor we had a congregant who had a heart attack this past week and he felt like he should come home so he could minister to the man and his family. However, since I was already prepared I am still preaching. Look out FSBC Liberal the new guy is going to step on toes (his own included) while trying not to offend. I'm going to preach on worship as seen in Romans 12 where we are called to offer our bodies as living sacrifices. This means that our worship has to be more than simple Sunday morning/Wednesday night attendance. We have been called to more than that. Hopefully I haven't bitten off more than I can chew. There's a lot in the passage and I am going to do my best to have the congregation out of there at noon.
   So please pray for me as I preach tomorrow, and if you don't have a church home, check out our churches live streaming of the service at  Once your on the page scroll down partway and link to go to the stream is on the right hand side of the page. God bless and remember that tomorrow is Sunday and you should go to church. Good Night.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Book Review for “Time with God for Fathers” by Jack Countryman

I joined BookSneeze several months ago and I am just now getting around to finishing my first book and posting a review. So here it is. 

   When I first picked this book up to start reading, I was expecting a good daily devotional. I’m not sure it delivers very well on that count for me. There are 95 days worth of readings, and each has a scripture and a short inspirational/devotional/challenging thought relating to the scripture. At the end of the book there are several great reference lists to help you find passages of scripture dealing with various topics.
   I found some of the daily writings to be challenging, or at least thought provoking. However when it comes down to it, more often than not I found them to be a bit dry or overly simplistic. Occasionally I felt that the inspirational thought didn’t really connect with the scripture used. Because of this, I often had no desire to pick it up and read the next day’s writing. More often than not I would read two or three pages in a row in an attempt to hurry the book along so I could read something else.
   In the end I don’t think that I would recommend this book if you are looking for something to truly grow your walk with God. On the positive side, it is beautifully bound and would be a great book to have on an end table or coffee table where guests might pick it up and read a couple of pages out of curiosity. It could also be a great gift for a young Christian who is a Dad and could use something simply to start looking at God’s truths in scripture for Fathers.

   I am reviewing this book for BookSneeze who provided me with a complimentary copy. My opinions are my own and in no way reflect the opinions of Booksneeze. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sticking it to the man...sort of...

   Kathy and I are officially Kansans now. We have moved in, gotten both cars tagged, applied for drivers licenses, and finally tonight we got our cell numbers changed to the local area code. It took me 5 tries today to get the phones changed. I called the local store to see what they would need...I went to the store thinking it should be a quick process...20 minutes later and the AT & T rep is talking to her service tech on the phone trying to figure out the process, and I had to leave. I went back after lunch and after another 20 minutes found out that the only plan available was going to cost more, so I left to discuss it with Kathy. We decided that we wanted to have local numbers so we would just bite the bullet and go for it, so I called customer service to do it over the phone. This lady started the conversation stating that it would take about 20 minutes...sounds didn't and once again I had to cancel because of a meeting. The forth try still didn't take the supposed amount of time and I had to stop for a meeting. (this one was my fault...I should have known by now that they couldn't do this procedure in under 30 minutes.) However, when I called again tonight after getting home, the process went slick as a whistle and actually took about 20 minutes. Plus, the plan that supposedly didn't exist in this area (the one that doesn't add to my bill)... apparently does exist because this representative gave it to me without a question. So, take that AT & T! You're not getting my extra $10 a month. Of course you got an hour and 40 minutes of my day...I'm not sure who stuck it to who but I feel like I won in the end.

God Bess and Good Night

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter, Children's Music, and Afterglow

So...I am very slow about updating this thing...oh well. Since my last post, we have experienced Easter, our Children's Choir Musical, and an event called Easter Afterglow. It's been a busy couple of weeks.

Our Easter service went extremely well. We split the sermon into three parts and the music service into four. Music, preaching, music, Lord's Supper, music, preaching, music. It was different and had a lot of transitions on the platform. All the changes however made the service fresh and exciting. Rather than being distracting, I feel like it kept everyone's attention. It was great!

This past Sunday, our children's choir presented their musical. The kids did an amazing job! After singing for our church, they went and presented their musical for two local nursing homes. After that they came back and sang again for the Easter Afterglow service here at our church. They still had energy and passion. I was already exhausted. Maybe I'm getting old.

Finally, last night we had a community event sponsored by the Liberal Ministerial Alliance. Several churches from the community came together and sang songs from their easter services. It was fun to experience an event that brought together so many different congregations all for the purpose worshiping together and praising our Risen Savior. I look forward to participating in more events like this here in Liberal.

Now it's time for a nap...oh wait I'm at work...maybe later...God bless and have a great day!

Friday, April 22, 2011

What is your Faith Centered Upon?

   My first ever Easter Service as a worship pastor is here. I'm not exactly sure how it got here so quickly, but it has arrived. In preparing for this time of worship, I approached my Pastor with an idea. I wanted to place a cross on the platform. Not to the back or the side, but dead center. I wanted it to be in every camera shot that was taken, and honestly I wanted it to be in his way as he preached. I wanted a visual on the platform to remind us of the centrality of Christ to our Christianity. He liked the idea and we even took it a bit farther. We built and placed a cross in front of each set of double doors leading into our sanctuary. Now each person who enters will have passed beneath or around the cross as they come in for worship. I don't know if everyone else will get it, but it makes sense in my head.
   Are you attending a worship service this weekend? Or possibly multiple services? We are having a sunrise service at FSBC, in addition to our regular one. Because I want to ask you a question if you are. Why are you attending a service? Are you going simply because it is Sunday? Simply because it is Easter, and that's what you do on Easter? Are you going out of some sort of compulsion because you feel like your parents, friends, or maybe even God would be disappointed if you didn't? Or...are you going because you desire to celebrate the fact that you serve a Risen Savior who has taken your rightful punishment to the grave and then defeated death itself? What is your Faith centered upon? I hope you go to church for more than just routine, or guilt. I pray that you go to give glory to the One who is worthy and has paid the ultimate price to rectify your sinful situation. I'll leave you with this verse from a hymn we are singing Sunday.

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble...
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

Does the sacrifice of Christ make you tremble, or does it simple cause you to spend a couple of hours in a pretty building once a week? God Bless and Happy Easter.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First Week

   Well the first official week (and a half technically) has past. I've been commuting everyday, so that is less than perfect, but the actual work is going very well. My first Sunday only had a couple of small glitches. The glitches were little things that I think with time and practice we can iron out. I truly enjoy the work environment here, and the church as a whole has been very welcoming. You should see the amazing pile of food they gave us in our pounding (old practice of giving new people a "pound of this, a pound of that"). I think we may be eating on it for the next three years.
   I am challenged by the new aspects of being a music minister vs. being in the music ministry. I am challenged but not overwhelmed. I think these are things that will help me grow as a person, as a minister, as a musician, and as a Christian. I look forward to seeing what God has in store for my family and my new church family in the years and even months to come.
   On a final note, we finally got to close on our house today! So no more driving back every night. A little painting, new carpet, and then we are ready to move in! Super excited and ready to have some extra space again. Well goodnight for now. I pray God watches each of you who take the time to read my little piece of cyber brain waves.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St Patrick's Day

   I hope you remembered to wear your green today. I had a nice busy afternoon preparing food for our family's party tonight. I made an Irish Boiled Dinner, Salmon Kedgeree, and White Irish Soda Bread. I don't know how authentic any of these items are (they were on the St Patrick's Day ideas on, but it was fun to think we were eating Irish food. My Sister-in-law was kind enough to make a Shepard's Pie and my mother hosted the party and prepared a ginger, orange cake for dessert. We also had green punch. Lots of food and fun. Now I'm sitting on the bed wishing I had eaten less.

   Tomorrow will be the last day to work for my Dad full time. It has been fun and I am going to miss it. My Father and get along very well. Much better than many people I think. I've often had people comment about how nice it is that we can work together and not drive each other crazy. On the contrary, I truly enjoy spending the time with him. I hope each of you have pleasant memories of your parents. My parents have been a huge blessing in my life and I often don't take the time to tell them. Do you? We should. If it's not your parents, who do you have in your life that have been blessings? Take the time to tell them.

   Here's to family and friends.

May the road rise up to meet
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rain fall soft on your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hands

Monday, March 14, 2011

Zombie Frogs, Jacking Houses, and Messed-up Titles

    For those who didn't know, today was supposed to be the day that we closed on our house in Liberal, KS. Unfortunately, this did not happen. Last Tuesday when the title work came back we found out that the seller has liens on the property. Because of these liens, they are not allowed to sell the house until they come up with the money to pay for the liens. Thus, we are not closing on time.
   FSBC was kind enough to postpone my first Sunday by another week, so I don't have to start working tomorrow. However, I am starting next week regardless. I am ready to start this job. I am excited for the work God has in store for myself and this church.'s what I've been doing today since I didn't go to Liberal to sign papers...We are bracing the floor joists under a house that had water flood underneath it. The concrete blocks that were holding the floor joists up sunk several inches into the mud when the water got under the house. So we are using 6-ton jacks to lift the house and put new braces underneath the joists. Lots of fun. This house has a decent bit of crawlspace. I can barely turn over. On my side, my shoulders touch on both sides. Not a good place to get panicky. We'll probably be under here working for the next couple of days.

   By now you're probably wondering about the "zombie frogs" part of my title...Kathy told me my last post was a bit dry so I thought I'd make this one a bit more interesting. So we've covered the messed-up title and the jacking of's the zombie frog.

Dead and decomposed creatures are not my cup of tea, so when Dad laid this dried up husk of a frog on my shoulder (while under the house mind) it was creepy. Though not technically of the "living dead" variety, I think this is as close to a zombie frog as I want to experience.

   With that, I will close this post. Good Night...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

   Are you ready for the 17th? Not that it is a holiday that means much. Lots of green, leprechauns, clovers, and beer. When you are growing up, you try to pinch people who don't wear green on this day (some of us still do). But what is this holiday about? I haven't researched the beginnings of St Patrick's Day, so this is not going to be educational in that way, but I have done some studying about who St. Patrick was. Here is some of what I've learned...
   Patrick was real (and no he wasn't a leprechaun, nor did he catch a leprechaun in order to steal his gold). He was an English born young man who was kidnapped (some say simply sold) into slavery by Irish marauders. He spent many years as a slave in Ireland until he escaped and found his way back to Britain. Once home he became a Christian and entered into a monastery. While there he felt God calling him back to Ireland, this time as a missionary. He went and started a movement away from the nature worshiping druid religion that was prevalent and leading people to Christ. (It is also commonly rumored that he drove all snakes from Ireland, though nothing I've read can substantiate that.) It is believed that he used the 3-leaf clover to explain to the trinity to people. He led many people to Christ and started several churches despite stout opposition.

   I don't know about you, but I think it is much more interesting to celebrate the life of a man who went back to his former captors/masters to tell them about Jesus, than to wear green underwear and drink green beer. I know the 17th is still a few days away, but I thought I'd share this now so that you could be aware when the day got here. The picture above is of a fictional book based upon the known facts of Patrick's life. I enjoyed it greatly. However, it is not where I got my information.

   I will be wearing green on the 17th in case you're wondering. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Writing without Aim...

   Ever realize that you have't posted in a while and so you sit down and start to write with zero plan? That's what I am going to attempt right now. So...
   We are officially under contract for a house in Liberal. It's been several years since we bought a house. There are a lot of steps to buying a house. Not to mention the fact that every piece of paperwork has numbers with a lot of zeros. It always makes me nervous when I think about committing my finances to a large purchase like this. That being said, I am super excited about having a home to call my own again.
   On a different note...weight loss is not going so well. I tend to stay up late, and when I do I often end up snacking late. This is not good if you are trying to lose weight. However, I have learned that Nutella spread on a warm tortilla is very tasty.
   On a final note...One of the things I stay up late doing recently is watching "No Ordinary Family" on hulu. This show is quite good. I like the story-lines, the family dynamic, and the lack of blood, guts, and sex. If you liked the Pixar movie "The Incredibles", you should check this show out.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I used the "It's Happening" post title one too early... many of you have already seen on Facebook, or heard through the grapevine, First Southern Baptist Church has called me to be their new Associate Pastor of Worship and Community! Kathy and I are very excited. I foresee lots of challenges and growth ahead and even more great memories in this church as we strive to minister together in the community of Liberal. Thank you for your prayers during this whole process, and I would ask that you continue to pray as we start looking for a house and preparing to move (I hate packing with a vengeance, so I am not looking forward to the whole moving thing). We felt God's confirmation on Sunday night when Pastor Jack told us that there were 80 votes cast and they all voted for us! I was hoping for at least 85%. I feel like we are headed to the right place at the right time.

   On a separate is waaaaay too cold today! Went and cut meat with Dad this morning at the Grocery store (lots of people buying meat that don't normally shop there...we had a lot to cut this morning). After we finished, we decided that it was not the kind of day that we wanted to get out and work in, so we went to our respective homes. It's been a nice day at home with Kathy and the kids. Too cold to play outside in the snow, but we've had fun together inside. Hope you've survived whatever weather you've encountered today, and that you've noticed the blessings God has given you. Have a great night!

Friday, January 28, 2011

It's Happening...

   So, after almost 2 years, we are going in view of a call to another church. It's almost surreal. I'm excited. I feel like we have taken the time to heal and be ready for a new position, and that God has led the way to this position. Right now I am simply trying to keep myself humbled in prayer and not count my chickens until they hatch. We will be heading to the church tomorrow afternoon for a come and go, meet and greet time where the church members can get to know us, and then I will be leading worship again with their choir and musicians on Sunday morning. There's a bit more pressure this time since it is the opportunity for the church members to decide if they want me to come and lead their worship. The vote will be Sunday night during their business meeting. 

   Overall, the pressure isn't too high (as long as I don't trip walking onto the platform, I should be fine). I am simply leading a worship service. The church members will either like the way I lead, or they won't. If the latter is the case and they vote to not call us, we will know that God has something else for us. While this is not what I hope for, I have to remember that my hopes are not the most important ones. God's I remember this verse, Isaiah 40:31

31Yet those who wait for the LORD
         Will gain new strength;
         They will mount up with wings like eagles,
         They will run and not get tired,
         They will walk and not become weary.

We will wait on the Lord...if He calls us to this church, we are ready to go and minister here. If He calls us to wait awhile longer, then we will trust in His plan for us and hold fast to the knowledge that He is much smarter than me, and cares for me more than I can even care for myself. Please be in prayer for us this weekend. It will be busy and a bit stressful. However the wait is almost over.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Book People

   Do you have a stack like this in your home? This is my "to be read" pile. Books that Kathy and I have purchased in the last 6 months or so that I have not yet gotten around to reading. Of course...I have been reading. You should see that stack of books I've read in this same amount of time. You see, my wife and I are book people. We love the written word.

   There's something about holding a book in your hand. Knowing that you are about to delve into another man's imagination, to a world that has been created by someone else. I love the anticipation of a new idea, the exploration of that idea, and knowledge that in the end (either at the end of the current book, or 15 books later at the end of the series) there will be a conclusion. I love to see a character grow from being simply a name on a page to a person whom I care about. I love a good story.

   Are you a book person? I'm currently reading "Inkspell" by Cornelia Funke. It's the second book in a series that is all about people who love literature, and the adventures they have when they find themselves inside of a story. A fun read, but it begs the question, Do you really want to live within someone else's story? Now, I've already mentioned how much I enjoy a good story. Case in point, I plan to read each and every one of the books in that picture. However, God has a story for me. He has anticipated the ideas, He knows the best way for me to explore them, and most importantly...He knows the conclusion. Since I've put my faith in Him, I've given Him control of the story. Now I play a secondary role, that of a follower. I might deviate from the path occasionally, but He waits for me to come back.

   Have you entrusted your story to the master architect, or are you still trying to write it yourself. A good story is one thing. I'll spend $5 bucks on a book if I think it will be good. But then there are the books that you simply can't wait for. You pre-order them and go to the store at midnight to pick them up. You stay up all night reading and love every minute of it. I think that's the difference between writing your own story and letting God write it for you. Your story is the $5 paperback you buy in the airport to pass the time. God's story is the classic that endures for ages and is read over and over for generations. That's the kind of story I want my life to be. How about you...C.S. Lewis said through Aslan in "The Horse and His Boy" that He tells you only your story, no one else's. Are you listening?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Moving Forward One Step at a Time...

Just a short update. The search committee voted to bring us back in view of a call on the 30th of January. Kathy and I are very excited and we would covet your prayers as we listen for God's will and direction. Also, I would covet your prayers as I once again prepare for a worship service from here using music from there that I can't see until they send it to me. I am choosing songs without knowing what key the church has them in (if they even have them). It's a challenge. Thanks for praying...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

First-Time Choir Director

   Well...rehearsal on Thursday went pretty smoothly for this guy who'd never been in charge of directing a choir and small orchestral group. Not prefect by any means, but not bad. There are a lot more challenges to leading a group this size as compared to leading a small praise band. All of my experience in the past has been either leading worship by myself with a guitar or with a small praise band. So, while I have lots of experience leading worship, I got a crash course this past week in leading a bigger group. Fortunately, this group of musicians and singers were very gracious. We had a few hiccups during the rehearsal but nothing major. Overall, it was an enjoyable time.

   The actual service this morning went quite smoothly. While there will always be room for improvement, I felt like we accomplished leading into worship. I am still very excited about this job possibility. While I discovered this week that I will have a lot to learn before I will be completely proficient at leading a group in this way, I am hoping that God will lead us here. This seems to be a very welcoming and strong congregation. However, I am also trying to remember that My plans are not God's plans, and that if He does not lead us here, he will lead us where he wants us to go. I desire to serve God should not be dependent upon a location. Please be in prayer for us as we wait. I think the waiting to hear is one of the hardest parts of this process.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christian Hip-Hop

   Do you listen to rap music? I tune in the rap station every once in a while to laugh at the inane lyrics (look how much money I've got, how many girls I've got, how sweet a ride I've got, how many haters I've got, etc) and then usually change the station after a song or two because I find the other lyrics so objectionable. However, I simply love the beats. I'm fascinated by the way the words can flow off of a person's tongue with such ease and speed. If I thought I could even get close to accomplishing it, I would attempt to rap once in a while just for the fun of it (this is not possible however as I seem incapable of speaking so many words, so quickly...much like it's impossible for me to break dance even though I would love to be able to do that as well).

   Since I find the style so fascinating and enjoyable, I have always kept an eye out for good Christian rappers. I thought I'd share a few of my favorites. (even if you don't like rap, you might know someone who does and thus you could suggest a couple of these artists and save their ears from being assaulted with filth from listening to the secular stuff)

  KJ-52--This guy isn't your average hard-core gansta rap. Actually he is what I would be if I had the guts and talent to attempt it. He's fun, witty, and he doesn't take himself too seriously. In fact he is just a bit of a goofball. However, He loves Jesus and knows how to bust a serious rhyme pointing to the Savior and our need for Him. I like pretty much all of his music.
   T-Bone--Here's a bit more of a gansta rapper. West coast style, rapid fire word slinging. T-bone can put more words out in a verse than some guys get into a whole song. If your into the west coast rap he's the guy to check out. Favorite album here is called "Gospelalphamega"...good stuff.
   Pettidee--found this guy while I was a youth minister. Dirty South style rap with the gruff low voice. Awesome beats, and powerful lyrics about how God can change a life. He raps about loving and being faithful to his wife, about standing up for God with your life, and he confronts other rappers who act "hard" just to sell a record. His albums "Thug Love" and "Resurrections" are both very good.
   Le'crae and Trip Lee--These are two artists I have just started listening to. Both of these guys have a sound that could be found on any secular rap station. The beats are amazing and the sound production is top notch. Both speak of pasts that are less than praiseworthy, but which God has turned around. Both preach of God's saving power in a life and their desire to be a positive influence in this world. The word of God is evident in the lyrics of these two men and I think anyone who took the time to digest the lyrics would be encouraged and challenged.

    Random post huh? If you don't like rap, and you don't know anybody who does, sorry for wasting your time. Next time I do a music post maybe I'll highlight some of my favorite worship leaders (since I'm possibly going to be one). I know some people think rap music is just noise, but scripture does say to make a joyful noise unto the Lord...these artists proclaim the name of Jesus to the world. Have a good night and I'll see you next time...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Resolutions etc...

   I'm not sure I believe in New Years resolutions. They tend to simply be things we say but don't actually do. However, I recently read a blog that suggested choosing three habits that you would like to have in your life and commit to doing it everyday for the next 100 days. Much smaller commitment but if accomplished should put you well on the way to making it a long-term habit. Here's what I chose...

   1. Scripture Memorization...I started memorizing Ephesians last year and it is taking longer than I planned. Part of the reason for taking so long is that I haven't been committed to it everyday.
   2. Play Guitar...I miss playing my guitar. If I get this job as a worship pastor, I will have more reason to play it everyday. However, job or not, I want to get back to playing music.
   3. Pray...sure I pray often, but not intentionally. I pray over my meals, and for my children, and for my future, but not with consistency. I want to be a person of prayer.

   One other thing I am committing to is losing weight. I gained back about 10 pounds over the holidays, so I have about 15 pounds to lose. No lose by date this time, just a commitment to keep at it until it's gone.

   So what are you going to work on for the next 100 days? Are there things in your life you want to change? Why not commit to changing them and ask God to help you.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Job Interview and Leading Worship

   First and foremost, I apologize for the long break between posts...between holidays and simply being busy, I simply haven't taken the time to write.

   As you might have guessed from the title, I am currently being considered for a position as Associate Pastor of Worship and Community. I had my first interview with the pastor over the phone a month and a half ago, and my first interview with the full search committee this past Wednesday. After the interview, the committee decided to continue pursuing me for the position and thus, this coming Sunday, January 16th I will be leading the worship service at this church.
   Kathy and I are very excited about this possible job and we are praying very hard for God's peace and direction for our lives. We covet your prayers as well. As things progress, I will be keeping you posted via the blog if you are interested.

   The interview this past Wednesday was possibly the most enjoyable interview I've ever been a part of. It was light-hearted and conversational while still delving into the questions that the committee had. I would encourage anyone who is ever on a search committee for a church to consider adopting this style of interviewing. Don't take yourselves so seriously that the person sitting across from you wonders how many lemons you've had today. I'm not advocating cracking jokes at every opportunity and disregarding the tough questions that need to be answered in order to know if a candidate is right for your church. However I am suggesting that you allow some levity to breach the occasion. Be open and honest and show the person you are interviewing your heart (and hopefully the heart of the church). It sure put me at ease and allowed me to see a bit of the personality of the church. I think sometimes we Christians take ourselves a bit too seriously and forget that Jesus came to give us an abundant life.