Saturday, June 18, 2011

There's a First Time for Everything

   It's been awhile since I posted on here. I know that I don't have an avid fan base, but for those who do read, here's something new.
   Today I officiated my first wedding! It was a small ceremony and I did not talk for very long. Our pastor was going to be in Haiti with our mission team when the couple wanted to get married, so as Associate Pastor, I got to step in. It was honestly a lot of fun. Everyone said it was a nice ceremony so I am going to take them at their word and not try to over-analyze what I did or didn't say.
   I am also getting to preach my first sermon, for this church, tomorrow morning. Like I said our pastor was going to be out of town so I volunteered to fill the pulpit. Unfortunately for pastor we had a congregant who had a heart attack this past week and he felt like he should come home so he could minister to the man and his family. However, since I was already prepared I am still preaching. Look out FSBC Liberal the new guy is going to step on toes (his own included) while trying not to offend. I'm going to preach on worship as seen in Romans 12 where we are called to offer our bodies as living sacrifices. This means that our worship has to be more than simple Sunday morning/Wednesday night attendance. We have been called to more than that. Hopefully I haven't bitten off more than I can chew. There's a lot in the passage and I am going to do my best to have the congregation out of there at noon.
   So please pray for me as I preach tomorrow, and if you don't have a church home, check out our churches live streaming of the service at  Once your on the page scroll down partway and link to go to the stream is on the right hand side of the page. God bless and remember that tomorrow is Sunday and you should go to church. Good Night.


  1. We were studying Romans 12 in Sunday School - the very hour you would have been preaching. I would very much like to hear what the Lord laid on your heart regarding those verses. I did pray for you. I would love to see the DVD. (Actually, I would have skipped SS and watched the live streaming if I had remembered).

  2. I'll let you watch the DVD next time your down here...or I could send you a copy if you like...
