Saturday, December 29, 2012

Newspaper Article Week 4


   We have spent the last three weeks looking at the candles of Advent. We have looked at how HOPE, PEACE, and JOY can come from knowing Jesus Christ as Savior.  We have also looked at how these things interact with each other.  Now we get to LOVE.  Our society thinks it knows all about love.  We have song upon song upon song upon song and then some telling us what love looks like.  We talk about falling in love, falling out of love, having a heart full of love, and having our hearts broken.  So what does it mean when we sing “Love came down at Christmas, love all lovely, love divine.”
   In John 15:13 the Bible tells us “Greater Love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.  1 John 3:16 tells us “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.”  Jesus came and was born as a baby in order that he might lay His life down for us.  The crazy thing is He came when the majority of the world wouldn’t have called Him a friend.  In fact we see how the world ended up treating Him.  They hung Him on a cross.  Love came down at Christmas…a love that lasts forever despite our tendency to throw it to the side…a love that is stronger than any struggle and gives a peace that surpasses all understanding…a love that fills our hearts with a joy that can’t be taken away.
   I hope that this Christmas Season you have experienced Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.  I hope that you have experienced these things with Jesus as the Lord of your life.  If not…it’s not too late!  John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life.”  That life eternal filled with hope, peace, joy, and love can be yours today.  Accept the gift today. 

Newspaper Article Week 3


   If you were to rate on a scale from 1-10 how much joy you have in your life, where would you land?  I’m not talking about being happy.  I’m not talking about putting a smile on your face and acting like everything is perfect all the time. In fact I am not even talking about the Webster Dictionary definition of joy…

the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying;

    I’m talking about that feeling of peace, of purpose, of ABUNDANT LIFE… that is found in the person whose heart is belongs to Jesus.  I’m talking about a person who has trusted in Jesus as their savior and knows that their future is secure.  Imagine how your life could be.  Instead of trusting in an emotion of great delight caused by something good, your joy would come from knowing who you are and whose you are. You are God’s unique creation. You are adopted into God’s family despite your inability to earn that position.  That little baby we celebrate at this time of year is more than a nice story or pretty picture.  He came that you might have HOPE, enjoy PEACE, and experience an abundant life full of JOY!  For this reason we sing Joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth receive her King…it’s not a happy feeling, it’s the knowledge that you are loved and desired.  When we allow Jesus His righteous place on the throne of our lives, we can experience a joy that this world cannot touch.
   I guess the dictionary might have gotten it partially right…Joy is the emotion and great delight/happiness caused by something exceptionally good/satisfying…True joy is only found when that exceptionally good/satisfying something is the love and lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives.  Then when the world falls to pieces around you, you can rest assured in the knowledge that the One who holds you is taking those pieces and working all things to the good of those who love Him.  I hope that you are experiencing that joy in your life this Christmas Season. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Newspaper Article Week 2--Peace

Here's the Week 2 newspaper article...


   Do you know what I find interesting…I think that the four Candles (themes) of Advent can build on each other.  So without further ado, let’s look at how Hope leads to Peace.
   I don’t know if you've ever felt hopeless.  I think people who do tend to react in one of two ways.  They either give up or they fight back.  Some people simply stop trying.  They figure that if there is no hope of a better tomorrow then why try to change/love/grow/create/imagine/strive etc…  On the other side of the spectrum, you have those who fight back.  They push hard against anything and anyone they feel they can beat in order to exert control in some areas of life since they feel lost in others.  For people on both sides of this coin, the fight to simply care enough to try or the fight to maintain a semblance of control can be exhausting.
   But I think that is where we see hope and peace colliding.  For the person who has given up, they now have something to live for; a future that is brighter than today.  For the fighter, they now have a glimpse of something good that isn't dependent upon them winning another fight.  When Jesus came, we were all offered a hope for the future.  A future home in heaven, and a purpose here on earth.  With that hope comes a peace of striving less on our own strength.  With that hope comes a peace of knowing that the future is in hands that are eternal and strong.  There is a peace that can overwhelm our souls when we give ourselves over to the Hope of the World—Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

   That peace can be yours…You can stop attempting to make it on your own.  You can give your helplessness and your fighting over to the one who gives strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.  That is the peace that surpasses all understanding.  That is the peace Jesus Christ brought to the world.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Week 1 of Newspaper Articles

For the month of December, I get the privilege of writing an article each week for our local newspaper. Since I am a bit terrible about getting on the blog here and writing stuff, I thought I might as well share my articles here. Here is what I turned in last week.


Advent…that time of year where we remember, celebrate, and wait anew for the coming of Christ as a baby in the manger.  If you go to a church like mine, you might light a candle each of the four weeks leading up to Christmas day. These candles represent Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.  Let’s examine that first candle of Advent today shall we?
Hope…that which inspires us to work for a better tomorrow and which encourages us to endure through times of trial. We sing songs that say things like “My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.”  But do we really put our hope there?  We enter the advent season singing about Jesus, putting up nativities, and even going to church and watching them light that candle that is supposed to represent the hope that Jesus brings in the world.  But, oftentimes we live in ways that seem like our hope is built on other things. 
We work overtime to make extra money to purchase things that we don’t truly need.  If our spouse or child is later getting home than we expected, we begin to worry about what terrible thing might have happened to them.  We fear the unknown and known alike, and do our best to make our lives as safe and simple as possible. 
What about you? Is your hope built upon Jesus?  Do you trust in Him who scripture calls the precious cornerstone?  We are told by Jesus Himself that He is returning one day.  In fact He tells us that not only is He returning, but He is preparing a place for us who have made Him Lord in our lives.  When Jesus came the first time, He brought hope to God’s people.  He desires to bring hope into your life if you will let Him.  As you spend the coming days preparing to celebrate His birth would you take a couple of moments to ask yourself where you place your hope?  If you place your hope in anything other than Jesus, it will eventually let you down.  However, Jesus is eternal; He has offered us a hope that never ends.  Won’t you accept that hope today?