Saturday, December 29, 2012

Newspaper Article Week 3


   If you were to rate on a scale from 1-10 how much joy you have in your life, where would you land?  I’m not talking about being happy.  I’m not talking about putting a smile on your face and acting like everything is perfect all the time. In fact I am not even talking about the Webster Dictionary definition of joy…

the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying;

    I’m talking about that feeling of peace, of purpose, of ABUNDANT LIFE… that is found in the person whose heart is belongs to Jesus.  I’m talking about a person who has trusted in Jesus as their savior and knows that their future is secure.  Imagine how your life could be.  Instead of trusting in an emotion of great delight caused by something good, your joy would come from knowing who you are and whose you are. You are God’s unique creation. You are adopted into God’s family despite your inability to earn that position.  That little baby we celebrate at this time of year is more than a nice story or pretty picture.  He came that you might have HOPE, enjoy PEACE, and experience an abundant life full of JOY!  For this reason we sing Joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth receive her King…it’s not a happy feeling, it’s the knowledge that you are loved and desired.  When we allow Jesus His righteous place on the throne of our lives, we can experience a joy that this world cannot touch.
   I guess the dictionary might have gotten it partially right…Joy is the emotion and great delight/happiness caused by something exceptionally good/satisfying…True joy is only found when that exceptionally good/satisfying something is the love and lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives.  Then when the world falls to pieces around you, you can rest assured in the knowledge that the One who holds you is taking those pieces and working all things to the good of those who love Him.  I hope that you are experiencing that joy in your life this Christmas Season. 

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