I love the David Crowder Band...they are artists who like to think outside the box both in their music and obviously in their videos. I appreciate artists who don't get caught up in following the pattern of whatever is "hot." This video creatively shows (by the by...according to Crowder, they used over 700,000 Light Bright lights to make this video) a couple falling in love and then one of them dying. All the while the music asks God to "Shine Your light so that I can see You," and near the end of the song Crowder sings of God overcoming. I can think of few things better for a blog entitled "oft go astray" than the idea of God overcoming and us asking God to show Himself to us in all situations in our lives. Our life situations will change continually, and it is encouraging to be reminded that God doesn't change in the midst of our changes. He is a steady rock that we can hold to when the waters of life threaten to overwhelm.
I heard an interesting statistic recently discussing the number of major changes that people go through in their lives. According to the stats, back 50-100 years ago people would experience 3-5 major changes in their lives (marriage, divorce, new career, moving to a new state, etc...). The stats went on to state the today your average person would experience between 10-15 major changes in their lives (I personally think it might be more). We need God more than ever, but we seem to seek God less than our predecessors. It's an interesting paradigm. As Kathy and I talked today about what we thought would be the next direction in our lives, we came to an interesting thought...maybe our goal should be to move ourselves closer to God rather than trying to move ourselves closer to a new job, town, experience. I think it is quite possible that God has us where we are for the purpose of drawing us back into closer relationship with Him. It's an interesting thought to say the least. Maybe God's plan in all of this is to simply draw us back and then send us out...and if so, would it not behoove me to start disciplining myself to dive into the spiritual disciplines and to ask God to move in my life?

I should now be able to comment on your blog but I am incognito! This entry relates to your first one. You are not "waiting", you are living and now you have shared that,indeed, you have a purpose in where you are and what you are doing.
ReplyDeleteSome call it one of God's waiting rooms - more likely it is one of his examining rooms - because He is right there with you helping you figure things out.
I hear you Jeremy. In the midst of not knowing why or where or what's next...I think God really wants us to chase after him and get to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior more than ever before...then maybe he can move us on! Thanks for the posts.