Sunday, November 21, 2010


Thanksgiving in Colorado...check out the view from my in-laws back porch...This picture doesn't do it justice.

We didn't get subjected to any invasive searches at the airport, but we did have an extremely long wait. When we arrived to check in, we found out that our plan had been delayed by an hour and a half. We had gotten there early to make sure we had time to get the kids through security, so we went ahead and headed for the gate. When our plane arrived, there was a problem with the windshield and they had to ground it. Thus we were told we would have to wait for another plane that would arrive in another hour and fifteen minutes. Finally after being in the waiting area for four hours and forty-five minutes, we boarded and took off. After landing, my father-in-law picked us up and we started the 3 hour drive to their house. It was a rough start to the trip with a two and a half year old and a seven month old. However, now that we are here, life is good.

I love visiting my in-laws. As I've stated before, they are very similar in world view to my family. They also enjoy playing games. We play pitch, spades, hearts, and pinochle with cards; forty-two with dominoes; Settlers of Cataan and Munchkin board games. Tonight we played a new game called "A Game of Thrones" based upon the novels of George R.R. Martin. Lots of rules, but once you got the hang of it, it was fun. Games and more games get played when we are together, and it is a lot of fun.

I hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday with family or friends. I pray that God reminds you of all the blessings He has placed in your life. Finally, take some time to play and enjoy life...

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