Interesting book to say the least. An end times novel that seems similar to the Davinci Code in style. Lots of clues to follow to an end destination. Lots of characters and stories and speculation.Enough espionage and natural disasters for anyone.
In general this was nothing more than interesting. It has too many characters and story-lines to follow. I never truly felt engaged with any of the characters because the book jumped back and forth between the stories so often, and there were so many stories to follow. While I like a good imaginative tale, this one felt like it wanted me to think it was real, or could be real. However, much of it was simply too far-fetched for my tastes. If you like intrigue novels, end times imaginings, or davnici code style stories then you might truly enjoy this book. However, it wasn't my cup of tea. I did not find it inspiring, more just interesting. It has taken me many months to finish reading it.
This review is for a book I was given by Thomas Nelson for the purpose of review.
The Seraph Seal written by Leonard Sweet and Lori Wagner is an epic tale about the four horsemen and the Apocalypse of Revelation. This book is well over 400 pages long. However it is a fast-paced, gripping suspenseful novel with interesting characters and an amazing ending that is well-written.