My first ever Easter Service as a worship pastor is here. I'm not exactly sure how it got here so quickly, but it has arrived. In preparing for this time of worship, I approached my Pastor with an idea. I wanted to place a cross on the platform. Not to the back or the side, but dead center. I wanted it to be in every camera shot that was taken, and honestly I wanted it to be in his way as he preached. I wanted a visual on the platform to remind us of the centrality of Christ to our Christianity. He liked the idea and we even took it a bit farther. We built and placed a cross in front of each set of double doors leading into our sanctuary. Now each person who enters will have passed beneath or around the cross as they come in for worship. I don't know if everyone else will get it, but it makes sense in my head.
Are you attending a worship service this weekend? Or possibly multiple services? We are having a sunrise service at FSBC, in addition to our regular one. Because I want to ask you a question if you are. Why are you attending a service? Are you going simply because it is Sunday? Simply because it is Easter, and that's what you do on Easter? Are you going out of some sort of compulsion because you feel like your parents, friends, or maybe even God would be disappointed if you didn't? Or...are you going because you desire to celebrate the fact that you serve a Risen Savior who has taken your rightful punishment to the grave and then defeated death itself? What is your Faith centered upon? I hope you go to church for more than just routine, or guilt. I pray that you go to give glory to the One who is worthy and has paid the ultimate price to rectify your sinful situation. I'll leave you with this verse from a hymn we are singing Sunday.
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble...
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Does the sacrifice of Christ make you tremble, or does it simple cause you to spend a couple of hours in a pretty building once a week? God Bless and Happy Easter.
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