FSBC was kind enough to postpone my first Sunday by another week, so I don't have to start working tomorrow. However, I am starting next week regardless. I am ready to start this job. I am excited for the work God has in store for myself and this church.
So...here's what I've been doing today since I didn't go to Liberal to sign papers...We are bracing the floor joists under a house that had water flood underneath it. The concrete blocks that were holding the floor joists up sunk several inches into the mud when the water got under the house. So we are using 6-ton jacks to lift the house and put new braces underneath the joists. Lots of fun. This house has a decent bit of crawlspace. I can barely turn over. On my side, my shoulders touch on both sides. Not a good place to get panicky. We'll probably be under here working for the next couple of days.
By now you're probably wondering about the "zombie frogs" part of my title...Kathy told me my last post was a bit dry so I thought I'd make this one a bit more interesting. So we've covered the messed-up title and the jacking of houses...here's the zombie frog.

With that, I will close this post. Good Night...
Reminds me of when you were in that spelunker box at the caverns in Glenwood Springs. I'm getting claustrophobia just thinking about being in that tight of quarters - add frogs of any kind and I would pass out! Be careful!