It’s Easter! Well, almost. April 8th
is rapidly approaching. What does Easter mean to you? There are two things that
stand out to me when I think about Easter. First, Easter calls us to
contemplate the crucifixion. We ought to think about the fact that we no longer
have to bring an animal to the priest in the temple and sacrifice it in order
to be made right in God’s eyes. We are no longer under the law because Christ
has freed us from that bondage. As one old saying goes, “He paid the price I
could not pay, to pay a debt He did not owe.” Does this thought affect your day-to-day
decision making? Do you live differently because of the sacrifice of Jesus
Christ? Easter calls us to contemplate the crucifixion.
Second, Easter calls us to
celebrate the resurrection! Our atoning sacrifice, our Lord and Savior is not
rotting in a tomb somewhere. He is alive and desires that we have new life. Lives
that are noticeably different from our lives before we knew Him. Do you desire
to know Christ and the power of His resurrection? Do you live your life in such
a way that people can see the change? Easter calls us to celebrate the
resurrection! When we allow Christ’s sacrifice for our sins to change the way
we live our lives, our lives become lives of worship to our Lord and Savior.