Matt Redman...British singer/songwriter who has brought us such songs as "The Heart of Worship" and "Blessed Be Your Name." Totally different style here than Crowder, but very passionate songs of praise. I love his album "Facedown." Almost every track on that CD has found it's way into my head at one time or another, and I have used many of them when leading worship. Redman's newest CD "10,000 Reasons" has some great songs that I look forward to using in the future.

Charlie Hall...I absolutely love his album "Flying Into Daybreak." Possibly my favorite worship album ever. This album has some of my favorite songs "All We Need", "Marvelous Light", "Micah 6:8", "Song of the Redeemed", etc. I'm not always a huge fan of his recordings, but I love his lyrics and having seen him live, his presence on stage is very worshipful. Plus he has a longer beard than I do. (maybe I'll catch up someday...)

Shane and Shane...I love these guys. From their acoustic guitar playing, to their great harmonies, to the great relaxed atmosphere of their music. Their music doesn't feel forced, they aren't trying fit a certain mold, their aren't trying to impress me with their talent, it's just a couple of guys and their friends playing and singing for their Lord.
Chris Tomlin...What can I say, this guy writes music that the church can sing and wants to sing. He writes very singable and connectable songs.
So...these are some of my favorites. Check them out. On a side note, as an addition to my rap post, I have recently been introduced to a CD by a group called the 116 Clique. The name of the CD is "13 Letters." These rap artists took the 13 books of the Bible that Paul wrote as letters to the churches, studied them, and wrote songs breaking down the message of each. They are great songs that expound Biblical truth. If you like rap music, you need to check it out.