My younger self is scoffing at this pitiful number thus far this year, but my married with three kids self is feeling at least somewhat accomplished.
Here is a short synopsis of the newest reads...
AHA by Kyle Idleman. I have been a fan of Idleman since I read his first book (Not a Fan). (I do see the irony there) He is a pastor that writes with a pastors heart. He knows how many of us read books and he works to make his writing accessible. Case in point...He asks you to read a list of questions and seriously consider you response to those questions. Then a few pages later he encourages you to go back and actually consider your response to the questions (knowing that many of us skim the list and keep reading). This book talks about the journey each of us has to go through when we run from God and try to do things on our own. It might not have been mind-blowing, but the writing and the theology are solid and enjoyable.
Jesus Is_____. by Judah Smith. This was an interesting read. Mr. Smith looks at six ways to fill in the blank. "Jesus is Your Friend, Jesus is Grace, Jesus is the Point, Jesus is Happy, Jesus is Here, Jesus is Alive." Each of these statements is fleshed out with Scripture and stories. Then Smith discusses how we can be each of these things as well. I enjoyed this book, but I found myself wanting Smith to go deeper with each chapter. What he said was good, but it wasn't as complete as I wanted it to be.
Worship, Community, and the Triune God of Grace by James B. Torrance. This might have been the most challenging thing I've read in a few years. This book is based off of a set of lectures that Mr. Torrance gave to doctorate religion students. At it's most basic, this book is a call to be more Triune in our thinking about worship and the life of the church. Torrance believes that we need to look more closely at the work of the Holy Spirit in our life and worship, and that we need to remember to continuing work of Jesus in our life and worship. He feels that there is too much focus on "me and God" to the exclusion of the three-in-one God. I appreciated many of the points brought up in this book, but I did not find it immediately applicable in my life, other than to make me think more about how all three parts of the trinity are working in my life.
God's Not Dead by Rice Broocks. This is the book that many of the evidences used in the Movie were taken from. This is a solid primer on Christian Apologetics. As a person who believes in God, I found the evidences presented in the book to be engaging and insightful. I don't know that an Atheist picking up this book would be convinced, but Mr. Broocks does an admirable job of presenting several scientific arguments for the existence of God. For anyone interested in a starting point for Apologetics without diving into the deep end of super science, this was a good read.
So now I am caught up again. Time to start the next book and see if I can't knock out a couple more before the Christmas Holidays get here. God Bless and keep reading!